Saturday, August 16, 2008

Wake up.

I procrastinated to leave Columbia. I packed my life, which consisted of three boxes, two suitcases, and a bicycle in my car and finally left at 10 pm after I visited my Starbucks. I don't know why it was so hard to leave. It was 12:30 am when arrived in Lebanon and I didn't exactly get a warm greeting. Since I have been away for college my mother has started to collect dogs. Five dogs who have been awaken from their slumber by a strange person who has entered their territory doesn't exactly go well, so I spent thirty minutes trying to shush the small alarms by bribing them with cold hot dogs from the refrigerator.
The next morning I was awoken by the newest edition of the collection, a miniature Yorkie named Raymond. As I lay on my back on the sofa I lifted him in the air admiring his submissive personality. Just as I was about to tell my mother how adorable he was, I looked up and Raymond vomited all over my blanket. Earlier that morning my mom felt it was necessary to feed him baby formula, since he was a puppy. This didn't settle very well in his stomach. After working at a dog shop, one can probably sense the frustration that I have had over this. Over the past few days I have been fighting with my mom about what she can and cannot feed the dogs. For example, mozzarella sticks and pizza rolls are not dog food. My mom sees it like she is spoiling them by giving them junk food.
Some people are morning people. My mom was up this morning at 6 rearranging the living room furniture. That was the initial sound that woke me up. I got off the couch at nearly 7 am and found my mother on the back porch hosing down the deck in her pajamas.
So now I am regretting not coming home more often. My family offers free interactive entertainment.
Just an update: I have three days before I jump on a plane. I leave August 19th at 7:35 am. I have my visa, my passport, and alas I have my flight information. This time around leaving the country seems easier. I think for that, my extreme move doesn't seem real.

1 comment:

lindsey said...

ha! your life is so you.
